@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000301, author = {鈴木, 敦子 and Suzuki, Atsuko and 岩崎, 賢太郎}, journal = {21世紀アジア学研究, Bulletin of Asian Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {2024年1月22日受付, This study elucidated the spectator characteristics and market trends of the Tokyo Verdy Women’s Field Hockey Team’s home games. With the hosting of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Japan’ s sports industry witnessed growth, yet post-event, many sports organizations have faced challenges in fundraising and operations. This is particularly evident in women’s sports, including women’s field hockey. During the 2023 league season, a survey was conducted to collect and analyze data on the age, gender, residence, and motivations of spectators. It was found that mobilizing spectators through family events and community collaboration was particularly effective. Furthermore, deep insights into the market and spectator characteristics of women’s field hockey were obtained by leveraging data from the J.League spectator surveys. This research focused on the challenges of mobilizing spectators in women’s field hockey, proposing specific strategies such as strengthening community ties and approaching diverse spectator groups, including outreach to younger audiences. These strategies, while tailored for women’s feld hockey, are applicable to other women’s sports as well, potentially offering new perspectives for future marketing strategies and event planning in women’s sports, contributing to their sustainable development.}, pages = {85--98}, title = {東京ヴェルディ女子フィールドホッケーチームのホームゲームにおける観戦者特性と市場動向について}, volume = {22}, year = {2024}, yomi = {スズキ, アツコ} }