@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000022, author = {亀山, 歩 and Kameyama, Ayumi and 田中, 理沙 and Tanaka, Risa and 王, 善賜 and OU, Zenshi and 古田, なつみ and FURUTA, Natsumi and 木内, 聖 and KIUCHI, Akira and 尹, 鉉喆 and YOON, Hyunchul and 藤戸, 靖則 and FUJITO, Yasunori and 平野, 智也 and Hirano, Tomoya and 船渡, 和男 and Funato, Kazuo}, journal = {体育・スポーツ科学研究, Kokushikan society of sport science}, month = {Mar}, note = {J-GLOBAL ID : 201101073728331279, J-GLOBAL ID : 201801007052633411, J-GLOBAL ID : 202201012804701108, J-GLOBAL ID : 201801009314123820, J-GLOBAL ID : 202101004237845144, The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematics and kinetics of how karate players respond to LED light stimuli and opponents when performing kizami- and gyaku-tsuki. The effects of the distance between the attacker and the opponent, and the differences in event types and levels on the reaction time were also examined. Thirteen female university student karate athletes (kumite international level:n=2, kumite college level:n=6, kata:n=5) participated in this study. Fourteen motion capture cameras and three force plates were used to record kizami-tsuki and gyaku-tsuki movements to LED light stimuli and the opponent. Kinetics and kinematics analysis showed no difference in reaction time to LED light stimuli among kumite, kata, and competition levels, but international level kumite athletes tended to have the shorter reaction time to opponent's movements. In conclusion, our results suggest that international-level kumite players have an excellent ability to predict and judge the movements of their opponents., 1520297128939472640, application/pdf}, pages = {23--29}, title = {女子大学空手選手の逆突きおよび刻み突き動作における反応時間に関する研究 : 床反力及び動作分析からの検討}, volume = {23}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カメヤマ, アユミ and タナカ, リサ and オウ, ゼンシ and フルタ, ナツミ and キウチ, アキラ and ユン, ヒョンチョル and フジト, ヤスノリ and ヒラノ, トモヤ and フナト, カズオ} }