@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015767, author = {角田, 直也 and Tsunoda, Naoya and 船渡, 和男 and FUNATO, Kazuo and 熊川, 大介 and KUMAGAWA Daisuke and 秋葉, 茂季 and AKIBA, Shigeki and 横沢, 翔平 and YOKOZAWA, Shohei and 平野, 智也 and HIRANO, Tomoya and 畑島, 一翔 and Hatashima, Kazuto and 田中, 重陽 and Tanaka, Shigeharu}, journal = {国士舘大学体育研究所報, The annual reports of health physical education and sport science}, month = {Mar}, note = {J-GLOBAL ID : 200901081100961987, J-GLOBAL ID : 202101004237845144, J-GLOBAL ID : 201701005445265627, J-GLOBAL ID : 201801003272567872, J-GLOBAL ID : 202001020973622576, J-GLOBAL ID : 201801009314123820, J-GLOBAL ID : 202101011515064120, J-GLOBAL ID : 201401079533207271, 1520011384848446848, application/pdf}, pages = {132--127}, title = {等尺性収縮時における大腿直筋の部位別形状変化 : Muscle Contraction Sensor法による評価}, volume = {40}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ツノダ, ナオヤ and フナト, カズオ and クマガワ, ダイスケ and アキバ, シゲキ and ヨコザワ, ショウヘイ and ヒラノ, トモヤ and ハタシマ, カズト and タナカ, シゲハル} }