@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015760, author = {右代, 啓祐 and USHIRO, Keisuke and 大湊, 八重子 and OMINATO, Yaeko and 牧, 亮 and Maki, Akira and 金子, 雅希 and KANEKO, Masaki and 羽田, 克彦 and HATA, Katsuhiko}, journal = {国士舘大学体育研究所報, The annual reports of health physical education and sport science}, month = {Mar}, note = {J-GLOBAL ID : 201801018102090530, J-GLOBAL ID : 200901020496650173, J-GLOBAL ID : 202101008813409997, J-GLOBAL ID : 201701008130248251, All athletes, including long-distance runners, train hard every day to ensure that they are in the best physical and mental condition to perform at their best on the day of the game. To achieve the best results in the games, it is necessary to build a body that can perform to the best of its ability, and a well-balanced diet is a vital part of this process. In general, there are differences in the nutrient requirements for each individual, so doctors usually use blood test data to estimate nutritional status. However, there are few appropriate criteria for athletes. In this study, we report a case of a male college athlete of long-distance track and field suffering from an unidentified complaint. After analyzing his blood test data in molecular nutrition and prescribing heme-iron and vitamin B supplements, his physical condition and performance were greatly improved within one month., 1520292859825663104, application/pdf}, pages = {81--85}, title = {大学生男子陸上長距離走選手の不定愁訴においてヘム鉄・ビタミンB群が著効であった一症例}, volume = {40}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ウシロ, ケイスケ and オオミナト, ヤエコ and マキ, アキラ and カネコ, マサキ and ハタ, カツヒコ} }