@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013521, author = {森脇, 保彦 and MORIWAKI, Yasuhiko and 牧, 亮 and Maki, Akira and 大浦, 邦彦 and Oura, Kunihiko and 永吉, 英記 and Nagayoshi, Hideki and 三上, 可菜子 and Mikami, Kanako and 木村, 真優子 and Kimura, Mayuko and 鈴木, 桂治 and SUZUKI, Keiji and 田中, 力 and TANAKA, Chikara and 内田, 賢次 and UCHIDA, Kenji and 居倉, 昭 and IGURA, Akira and 伊藤, 美知代 and ITO, Michiyo and 山口, 瞳 and 倉賀野, 哲造 and Kuragano, Tetsuzo}, journal = {体育・スポーツ科学研究, Kokushikan society of sport science}, month = {Mar}, note = {J-GLOBAL ID : 200901043284363204, J-GLOBAL ID : 200901020496650173, J-GLOBAL ID : 200901004099122068, J-GLOBAL ID : 201001039879999076, J-GLOBAL ID : 200901081246796295, J-GLOBAL ID : 201301094229252459, AID(NACSIS-CAT 著者名典拠レコードID) : ID:DA17805388, J-GLOBAL ID : 200901050705583957, Abstract  We have developed and practiced Judo exercise aimed at the prevention of falls and dementia. In the beginning, we have introduced “Ju-no-Kata” into practice. But have noted that it is rather difficult to learn and is not rhythmical in nature. In addition, it is considered to be rather far from conventional“Judo” from many points of view. Our newly developed “Judo exercise” includes a “slow core exercise” for warming up and cooling down. “Judo throwing techniques”, such as “Seoi-nage”, “O-goshi”, “Osoto-gari”, “Uchimata”, and “Ashi-barai” are compiled as exercises. We have also developed a new type of “Ran-dori” which is based on previously agreed upon motions. Judo exercise will train gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and psoas major muscles. These muscles are very important for stable walking., application/pdf}, pages = {37--41}, title = {転倒および認知症予防のための柔道体操の実践}, volume = {18}, year = {2018}, yomi = {モリワキ, ヤスヒコ and マキ, アキラ and オオウラ, クニヒコ and ナガヨシ, ヒデキ and ミカミ, カナコ and キムラ, マユコ and スズキ, ケイジ and タナカ, チカラ and ウチダ, ケンジ and イグラ, アキラ and イトウ, ミチヨ and ヤマグチ, アキラ and クラガノ, テツゾウ} }