@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013502, author = {Илья, Альтман and Ilya, Altman}, journal = {Asia Japan Journal = AJ Journal = AJJ = アジア・日本研究センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {AID(NACSIS-CAT 著者名典拠レコードID) : DA18603276, After Poland's Foreign Minister, Grzegorz Schetyna, declared in January 2015 that Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp had been liberated by Ukrainian soldiers, an "archives revolution" occurred within the Russian Federation (RF) Defense Ministry. Furthermore, after a new law was enacted in Poland in summer 2017, in effect promoting a removal of monuments to Soviet soldiers who perished during World War II fighting against Nazism, the RF Defense Ministry responded by making public tens of formerly kept "secret" documents associated with liberation of Poland by the Soviet troops. It was that series of recent events which resulted in making the issue of public access to documents that are directly related to problematics of the Holocaust and liberation of Nazi concentration camps by the Soviet Army -- a matter of an extensive public discussion.  The article's topic is closely linked to the following three research and memorialization projects conducted by Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center in cooperation with educators, archivists, and museum staff members: "Dignity Return" (launched in 2010 in cooperation with Russian Jewish Congress), "Pages of Fates" (launched in 2016 under the auspices of the RF Defense Ministry and RF Ministry of Education and Science) and "Liberators" (2015-2017).  The article demonstrates and scrutinizes difficulties and generated complications pertaining to examination of primary sources. The author pays particular attention to arising misconceptions and dissemination of mistaken factual data frequently causing international and ethnic friction. Providing a variety of examples, the author appeals for a preparation of a standard manual introducing specific methods of examining and analyzing Holocaust-related primary sources., application/pdf}, pages = {25--31}, title = {Вновь открытые российские архивы и проблема сохраненияпамяти о Холокосте}, volume = {13}, year = {2018}, yomi = {イリヤ, アルトマン} }