@article{oai:kokushikan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010921, author = {山内, 直人 and YAMAUCHI, Naoto and 田中, 秀幸 and TANAKA, Hideyuki and 篠原, 和子 and SHINOHARA, Kazuko}, journal = {体育・スポーツ科学研究, Kokushikan society of sport science}, month = {Mar}, note = {9000246810165, 9000241527996, The present study investigated Japanese mimetic words used in instruction of sports skills to determine whether certain phonetic features of vowels and consonants would consistently represent kinesthetic properties in motor control. Eighteen athletic coaches participated in a questionnaire survey. They were asked to write several mimetic words that they would use in their verbal instructions to modify muscular "force" and "movement." A phonetic analysis revealed that voicing of the initial obstruent, length of vowels, and the word-final glottal stop were associated with the modification goals of force and movement. These results suggest that certain phonetic properties of mimetic words can induce representations of kinesthetic properties of muscular force and movement, such as magnitude and speed., 15K12653, application/pdf}, pages = {1--5}, title = {スポーツ指導者が運動スキル指導に用いる擬態語・擬音語 : スポーツオノマトペの音声学的分析}, volume = {16}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤマウチ, ナオト and タナカ, ヒデユキ and シノハラ, カズコ} }